Sunday, April 12, 2009

Obama's New Mascot: Boris the Bailout Bear

Realizing that with the crushing costs of the national debt ($30,400 per capita) and the bailout ($4,147.00 per capita) he was running the risk of losing the support of children, Mr. Obama developed a new mascot: Boris the Bailout Bear. At a recent press conference the president exclaimed:

"The children of today will be the tax payers of tomorrow, who will eventually have to pay for the massive debt that our generation has amassed. In order to avert a defection of future voters, Boris will help the children understand that since the government has assumed the role as their loving parent, as good children, one day it will be their duty to support their chronically broke and bloated parent.


  1. Hahaha. Thats Bull!

  2. Reich wingers are so utterly clueless! I can't wait for the "Death Panels" to liberate them from their fearful hate filled little lives. Hold your hand over the candle and worship your God Bush now mien little idiots.
