Friday, March 20, 2009

Surgeon General's Warning

Recently during a discussion on the state of health and welfare in the United States, the
ex-Surgeon General, Dr. Koop was asked to comment on Obama's health. Dr. Koop responded "while President Obama watches his diet and maintains a regular regimen on exercise, he does engage in some risky and unhealthy behavior. It was brought to my attention that during the election campaign, a top member of Obama's staff had phoned Canada's ambassador to the US, Michael Wilson, to warn him that Obama would speak out against Nafta and to assure him that the harsh criticism would only be campaign rhetoric and should not be taken at face value..."

I must warn President Obama about the well documented dangers of Rectal-Vocalization; research shows that talking out of your ass is harmful to your health, as well as that of the public..."

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