Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mass Illiteracy

Each person suffers from one or more form of illiteracy. You may be mathematically or musically illiterate, you could be culturally or geographically illiterate.

Of all the forms of illiteracy none is so widespread and detrimental as economic illiteracy. Even among educated, cultured professionals, ignorance of basic economics is pervasive. Few understand basic free market principles and even fewer have the vaguest idea of the source of America's unparalleled prosperity.

No other form of illiteracy has such a profoundly negative effect on governmental policy. We can be certain that an economically literate populace would tolerate few of our current policies, especially Obama's so called stimulus bill.

I am not asking you to become a "free market zealot," but if you haven't already done so, please take the time to learn some basic economic; how you view the world will surely change.

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