Thursday, May 14, 2009

Did I Do That???

Pictured Above: Todd "Urkel" Stroeger

Lately it seems as if the most avid proponents for hike taxes and big government are most lax on the payment of their taxes. The latest act of douchebaggery being Todd Stroeger's failure to pay nearly $12,000 in federal taxes.

Most people believe that this stems from individual hypocricy or corruption, but I find it the logical outcome of the interventionist state. Beneath the caring rhetoric lies the core impulse of the interventionist state: the transferrence of wealth and power from productive sectors of society to politicians and their supporters.

So, of course Stroger or Geithner should resist paying taxes, when they believe that it is their right to determine who is penalized and who is rewarded by the state. The only thing they are guilty of is not going through the charade of paying into the system and then later becoming net beneficiaries of the massive and arbitrary transference of wealth.

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