Sunday, May 3, 2009

Dissolve the People!

Pictured Above: Bertolt Brecht

Right wing or left wing, the majority of politicians are driven by power rather than principles. Even when we agree with a politician, we should seek to determine the ulterior motives that compel them to support a policy.

In prior posts I have documented that the Obama Administration is pushing for an amnesty for undocumented immigrants and for a maintenance of the record numbers of low skilled documented immigration, even in the midst of record unemployment. With this current path European-Americans are expected to be a minority in the United States by 2050. So, why are these largely unpopular policies being so energetically pursued? I am quite certain that it is not because Obama has any great love for Latinos or hatred towards whites. I believe that the answer can be found in the works of the East German poet Bertolt Brecht, who after the uprising of 1953, satirically stated that the communist government should "dissolve the people and elect a new one." This opens up the question - how does the Obama administration stand to benefit from the dramatic demographic change that it is pursuing?

Before I go on I must adamantly state that this is NOT an issue of race. America is defined by culture, values and vision. An immigrant of African, Asian or Hispanic descent can be even more American than a native born American as long as they embrace the core culture and traditions of the United States. Such individuals may change the complexion and cuisine of the country, but as long as they assimilate to and transmit the fundamental cultural and political values to their descendants, the United States will maintain its essence and continue to be the greatest nation on earth. And without a doubt, cultural assimilation is closely tied to economic assimilation. In other words, families that assimilate mainstream American values and behaviors regarding work, education and investment, will have economic and social outputs that are virtually identical to those of stable, middle class Americans. And it's very important to note that economically and culturally assimilated families will tend to support existing political and economic policies, rather than push for fundamental change.

But, when demographic change is not accompanied by profound cultural and economic assimilation, a country is irrevocably changed. For a multitude of reasons, large segment of immigrants and their descendants are not culturally and economically assimilating towards traditional American values and behaviors. This is demonstrated by the growing economic (rate of poverty and welfare use), educational (drop-out rate), cultural (out of wedlock births) and political (voting pattern) divergence seen between Hispanics and European-Americans.

The answer to Obama's support of radical demographic change can be found in the growing political divergence between (on one side) African-Americans, immigrants and their descendants and (on the other side) European-Americans. Up to 96% of African-Americans and 67% of Hispanics voted for Obama, versus 45% of European-Americans. In other words, the key to Obama's victory was overriding the conservative majority of white voters, through the overwhelming support of left leaning African-Americans and Hispanics. In the electoral world, demographics clearly equals destiny. So, as a man of strategy, Obama realizes that the surest way he can expand his power base and ensure future victories for the Democratic Part, is by significantly expanding the size of the Latino population. And most significantly, Obama's expanded ethno-political coalition will offset the loss of support he will face among middle class voters who become weary as his policies fail to address our continued economic ills, the spiralling deficit and the growing tax burden. Recipients of entitlements are rarely concerned about the increasing tax and regulatory burden that they impose on tax payers.

And just as the Democratic Party has strengthened their hold over African-American voters by maintaining widespread dependency on government jobs and programs, they are fostering this same dependency by holding the carrot of an amnesty over the heads of the Latino electorate. And although Hispanic culture has many positive aspects (strong sense of work, family, and tradition), a beneficent culture of political and civic culture is not one of them. For the most part, a tradition of limited government, economic freedom and rule of law are sorely lacking and a political culture of passiveness, patronage, populism and a belief in a powerful state are found, especially among the poor and uneducated masses. So, outside of true assimilation to America's core values and traditions few Latinos will resist the Obama administration's continued expansion of the state and erosion of the constitution. Obama wisely sees that the surest way to expand his power, in the face of growing disenchanment of his failed policies is to dissolve the people and elect a new one..."

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