This story is part of Planet Money's series on money in 
politics. This post was originally published on March 30.
 It was updated on April 6.
Most of the nitty-gritty action in Congress happens in committees.
Not surprisingly, campaign contributions flow to
members of the committees that big donors are
really interested in — like, say, the
ways and means committee,
which oversees the tax code.
This makes a huge difference to lawmakers,
who need a steady stream of donations to fund
 their re-election campaigns.
Both parties rank each committee for its
fundraising potential. There are lists of the
 A, B, and C committees, and fundraising
 targets for the members. Those lists aren't
 public. Many lawmakers say these lists exist,
but no one would give one to us.
So we created our own list, based on publicly
 disclosed fundraising numbers. At our request,
 Lee Drutman of the Sunlight Foundation,
crunched data going back to the early '90s.
The analysis found that Ways and Means is
 the most valuable committee for fundraising.
 Lawmakers on the Ways and Means committee
 raise an extra $250,000 a year compared to the
 average Congressman.
The judiciary committee was the worst.
Congressmen on that committee raised $182,000 less
 than the average Congressman.
Here's a list of the bottom three and
 top three committees:
The Value of a Committee Seat
One thing this graph doesn't show: The value of
being a chairman.
Being a committee chairman carries huge power
 in Congress. Not surprisingly, it also leads to a
 huge fundraising boost. But the lawmakers who
 land these spots are expected to raise lots of
money, and turn it over to the party,
which spreads it around to other members.
"Where much is given, much is required,"
says Rep. Jeff Flake. "You're given dues,
assessments, and if you're a senior member
 on committees that lend themselves to
 fundraising, and you're either a ranking
 member or a chairman, then you're
expected to raise a lot of money.
When you come up every two years to
 either retain your position or move to
 another committee, those things are
 certainly taken into account"