Governor Quinn (D - IL) has raised income taxes by 66% (from 3% to 5%) and corporate taxes by 68.5% (from 4.8% to 7%). I take a minority position among conservatives: in light of the $15 Billion deficit that Illinois faces, this was a necessary step. However, I do not look at this as a "brave act of fiscal responsibility" on the part of Illinois politicians, because their gross fiscal irresponsibility is what put us in this impasse in the first place. And before Mr. Quinn "feeds the beast" with even more of the fruits of labor of Illinois families and businesses, the proper course of action would have been to first enact major budget cuts, as well as political and pension reforms. If we are lucky, we will keep the businesses that we currently have, but rest assured, no sane businessman would choose to relocate to the high tax and spend state of Illinois.
To those who are not nerdy enough to be familiar with "Order 66," it is a reference to Star Wars.
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